Terrazzo is the new name popping up on every lip in the home décor industry. Unless you are not familiar with the materials used for modern floor designs, you would have heard about terrazzo tiles a quite number of times.
Although terrazzo tiles are among the most sought-after materials for interior designs, many people still can’t recognise them at first glance. Has that also happened to you before? Well, it is common. Most times, you will have to pay closer attention to terrazzo tiles before you recognise them. One of the reasons this happens is probably because you only care about its functionality and appearance. Click here to read more about Terrazzo Flooring Tiles Installation.

Terrazzo tiles can achieve both functionality and simplicity and at the same time enhance interior design beautifully without flaws – I call that versatility. Now you know the reason the name terrazzo keeps buzzing in home designing.
For several years now, many kinds of floor materials have been in momentary trend and fade away in the market. Terrazzo also came within the same cycle but refused to go out of trend. For all I know, there are a lot of things to learn about the phenomenal terrazzo tiles.
To get a clearer picture, I have helped you compile detailed information covering everything you need to know about terrazzo tiles. Here are some practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about terrazzo tiles.
What Is Terrazzo?
Typically, terrazzo is made from resin, making it a flooring material that provides a higher level of elegance in any space you use it. Terrazzo uses quartz, granite, glass, marble and any other stone, rock and mineral of diverse shapes and sizes entrenched into concrete or epoxy surfaces.
Terrazzo tile consists of cross-sections of polished rock chips, enabling it to bring out a decorative look. In some cases, terrazzo tiles come with a unique finish that brings out a uniformly textured surface.
Most interior décor experts prefer to use this kind of terrazzo tiles in a part of the building that usually experiences high traffic and some surfaces that needs traction like terraces, landscape walkways, poolsides, decks, and other outdoor spaces.
What are the most common types of terrazzo flooring?
Although some researchers have unveiled some other types of terrazzo tiles for flooring based on the materials used to produce them, there are only four most common types in the interior décor world.
Epoxy is the most popular type of terrazzo. However, there are other three common kinds of terrazzo that contractors cannot joke with when building or renovating residential and commercial buildings. Would you allow me to discuss the four common types in detail? Here you go:
1. Epoxy Terrazzo
This kind of terrazzo is the most common in many residential and commercial buildings. It is relatively the crowd favourite. Out of the four common types, epoxy always finds its way to the list of several architects, contractors and interior décor experts.
I don’t why most people fall in love with epoxy terrazzo, but I know it cannot be far from the fact that it requires lesser maintenance efforts. More than that, epoxy is relatively the most versatile type of terrazzo tiles. Why? It allows you to bring your creative abilities into action and let your imaginations soar.
You can use it both on the wall and floor of space at the same time. You also use it for your countertops. Epoxy terrazzo offers a lot more in home décor. That is because of the wide variety of standard colours and materials it can hold.
2. Cement Terrazzo
This type of terrazzo can withstand the pressure of high traffic. That is why you will always find it in a busy environment such as airport terminals, universities, malls and more. It is also a versatile and affordable option when it comes to designs.
However, you need to install your cement terrazzo during recommended weather conditions. Else, you will be putting your tiles at the risk of cracking.
3. Sand Cushion Terrazzo
This type of terrazzo tiles consists of many different materials such as sand, wire mesh and isolation sheets for reinforcement. These materials help prevent mirroring, which is helpful in some spaces where you want to place colour designs like logos and artwork.
4. Rustic Terrazzo
Just like the epoxy terrazzo, rustic terrazzo comes with a marble-like finish. However, it is ideal to use a rustic outdoor because it features a textured slip-resistant surface. Now you know why you have seen rustic terrazzo in the exterior areas of hotels, malls, townhouses and other commercial buildings that have fountains, pools, and other water features.
How do I install terrazzo tiles?

Well, different types of terrazzo tiles require a different system of installation. So, let’s take them one after the other.
1. Epoxy Terrazzo
Epoxy Terrazzo does not require much labour and high-level expertise during installation. Hence, you don’t need to be a tile pro before you could install it. To install epoxy terrazzo tiles, you would have to mix your base colour with the hardener at the typical ratio of 5:1. You will then mix both parts with filler powder and the aggregate.
After that, you will then pour the epoxy and aggregate on the floor at the required height with your hand trowel. The next thing is to close it with a power trowel to tighten up and flatten the aggregate. Meanwhile, some installers also like to seed the floor before using the power trowel. If you install your epoxy in good condition, you can walk on it after 25 hours.
2. Cement Terrazzo tiles
Cement terrazzo can be a bit more complex, unlike epoxy, as you might have to use a different installation method for each binder because of its makeup. Traditionally, cement terrazzo is a mixture of marble aggregate and cement in ration 2:1. You will have to add iron oxide for colouring. Mix the materials with water and pour it within the specified panel to your preferred height.
Final Words
Terrazzo remains an excellent option for different types of interior designs. However, before choosing which one you would use for your flooring, make sure that you check all the options available and compare them with your intended design.
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